Thursday, June 7, 2012

You can live to be a hundred

You can live to be a hundred

Scientist says our bodies are designed to last 100 years. Yet, most people die before 100. Why? One reason is that people don't think enough about health. Although none of us know how long we will live, there are certain think that lengthen or shorten a person's life. They are your sex (male or female), personality, success, family background, lifestyle, and health. In this message, we will focus on the last two since we can control them.

Al foe health and lifestyle, there are four main things that cause people to die early usually before the age of 80: 1- Lack of exercise; 2- Tobacco Smoking; 3- Obesity; and 4- Unhealthy Diet. Therefore, to live a long life and improve the quality of your life today, you should not smoke, eat good food, keep your weight down, and exercise, but that's not all. You also need to live a balance life. For example, you need just so of certain types of food. You need just the right amount of exercise, sleep and relief from stress.

You may think living a healthy life is a simple. It isn't because it requires effort and will power. Consider foods, for example, you can give up potato chips, candy, and other "junk" food? They taste great. Unfortunately, they're not healthy foods; they're worthless. How about exercise? It's difficult to keep up a regular training program, to do exercise _ at least three times a week _ that give the lung, heart, and muscles a good workout. Another problem is stress: there is a lot of it in society today. Finally, add in all the bad habits that people have like smoking, drinking, and not eating breakfast, and you can understand why keeping, a healthy lifestyle is so difficult. It is understandable why so few people live to be 100 years old, even with the advances in modern medicine, which have increased average life spans. (Japan is near the top in life expectancy, but this may change as lifestyle change.)

Wait a minute! You say you don't care about living to one hundred; you say an average life span (76 for men and 82 for women) is enough. However, wouldn't you like to have more energy, prettier teeth, and more self-confidence, be more handsome or more beautiful and void cancers as long as you live? Of course you would. And you can. This text book is your guide to along, healthy life. Just read it, believe it and do it. One more thing: Don't forget to fasten your seatbelt!

Getting information  
You can get general idea of how long you'll live by filling in the formula below. Answer the questions for yourself and add/ subtract points as indicated if your answer is "yes" Be honest! 

How long will you live?

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